
這是一個訓練學生聽寫認讀音標能力的遊戲,每個學生準備一張紙,並在上面畫一個井字,將紙分成九格,然後教師隨便念九個學過的音標,學生邊聽邊將字母填在格子中,隨便填在哪個格里都行。學生填好後,教師再打亂順序逐個念這九個音標,學生邊聽邊在聽到的音標上畫圈,當畫的圈在橫行、豎行或對角線上成一條直線時,學生便可以邊喊" 賓狗(Bingo)"邊將紙舉起讓教師檢查,最先喊" 賓狗" 並寫得準確的獲勝。這個遊戲還可以用於單詞,字母或數詞等。

This is a game to train your basic listening ability of English words. Each of you must prepare a sheet of paper (you can use the first page of your exercise book), on which you should write a big Chinese character meaning “well”. The character divides the sheet of paper into nine spaces. I will read nine words, and you can fill each word in any one space as you wish. After you’ve done that, I will derange the sequence (order) of the nine words and read them out again. When you find out three words make a line in the well, either horizontal, vertical and diagonal. You can shout out “bingo” and turn in your sheet of paper to me to be checked. The first student who shouts “bingo” and is checked correct will be the winner of the game.

The first series of words (nine synonyms) is nine adjectives, they are actually nine synonyms in the text we have just learned: dull, tedious, cheerless, unwelcome, unfruitful, boring, difficult, prim, uninteresting the second series of words is nine nouns: agony, enjoyment, reputation, inability, essay, sequence, spaghetti, discipline, calling, the third series of words is nine verbs: tackle, avoid, compose, command, anticipate, assign, associate, violate, scan the fourth series is nine short terms (or phrases or expressions): off and on, turn out, out of date, put down, what ’s more, turn in, hold back, face up to, at the eleventh hour.





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